Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Global Food News: Plumpy'Nut to the Rescue

U.S. nonprofit Edesia, which directs high calorie foods to severely underfed children in the developing world, and food manufacturer Nutriset hope that Plumpy'Nut is the answer to global hunger.  Plumpy'Nut is a peanut paste that contains 500 calories per serving, and requires neither preparation nor refrigeration.  UNICEF has reported that it will buy 28,000 metric tons of Plumpy'Nut this year (up from 27,000 metric tons last year) and 32,000 metric tons for 2013. The organization is preparing for  a coming period of food insecurity, due in large part to this year's droughts in the US and UK. The UN, in light of the droughts and consequently poor crop yields,  has warned of food insecurity and food price spikes and has asked the US to suspend ethanol production in an effort to stave off a corn shortage.

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